I have followed this election from the beginning. My first pick, and the one I voted for in the primaries, was Mike Huckabee. I really thought, and still think, that he is the best choice for this country in '08. Well, everyone knows what happened with that. He did a great deal better than most had thought and I am still hoping for 2012!
So since that time I haven't been too pleased with the whole election goings-on. I've not been too big a fan of McCain, although I do believe him to the a much better choice than Obama, or any other democrat for that matter. However last Friday when he announced his choice for Vice President I was first surprised, because I don't think I had heard of her. My first step was to do an internet search on her, and what I found was very impressive!
I feel I have some things in common with her. She has 5 children, I have 5 children. My oldest and youngest have some distance between then as well, 14 years in my case. I was in my early 20s when my oldest was born and while only 35 when my youngest was born I was considered to be an "older mom." (Don't all us "older moms" just really appreciate that term?) My youngest is a typically developing child, but of course at my age the chances of Downs Syndrome increase dramatically. Had he been a Downs baby, we would have kept him and would have been just as happy and would love him just as much as we do now. I think that is one of the things that impresses me the most about her...her choice to have and love her baby no matter what was "wrong" with him.
And then last night! Her speech during the convention was outstanding! I am so pumped for this election to go our way now! I just wanna get out there and shout at the top of my lungs: "McCAIN AND PALIN IN '08!!!!" Ok, that's about all the yelling I'm gonna be doing tonight, but stay tuned...I just might start yelling about something else on here later!!